Giving & Receiving Criticism Part Five

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.

This will be our final thoughts concerning giving and receiving criticism. Ultimately, using what we have talked about previously and adding on what we talk about in this article, will help us create a healthy culture regarding criticism. The last thing we want to do is create such a culture where we are always looking for the next mistake that someone makes. That is not the goal. Our goal is to strengthen our faith and our love for one another. In doing so, this will help us in engaging each other in deep, meaningful conversations that lead to growth, spiritual maturity, and glorifying God in our lives.

Be willing to pray for those who we want to give correction to. It is not my job to change people. If I were to try to put this into some kind of imagery or hierarchy, I would say that it is God’s job and the other person’s job to do the changing if I am approaching someone with some form of criticism. With this is mind, if I am not willing to pray for the person, then I have no business trying to change or “correct” that person. We must recognize the limitations of our influence. It does no good to place a gun at someone’s head and tell them that they need to do what you are telling them or else. Would their decision or choice be genuine? Of course it would not be!

This doesn’t take away our responsibility that we have to one another in planting and watering the seed (the gospel). If we preach the gospel and apply it to our lives first, it will only make sense for others to eventually follow if your faith is truly genuine. Are we approachable? You would be surprised how approachable others are. The problem often lies within us where we have created this idea that we are never wrong – often intimidating. This is not a good habit to have. Be willing to become vulnerable and to speak freely with others. This includes being able to welcome criticism with open arms. I think the best way we can nurture this practice in our lives is to pray about it. Pray that God will give you the wisdom to live a godly life while having a sense of humility. Ultimately, pray that we speak the truth in love.

by Lee Elkins