Continuing our thoughts from last week – We need to learn to deal with our sinfulness today. Some have become content with using excuses (and that is exactly what it is, an excuse) by saying something along the lines of “I am just a work in progress”. People who say this are admitting that they know that they are doing wrong, but that they should get a pass. This kind of disposition alone is sinful on top of the sins that they are willingly committing. Instead of coming up with excuses for why we don’t address the sin problem in our lives, why not become proactive in denying ourselves?
First, we need to see that the sin will never be smaller than it is when you first commit it. Let me explain what I mean by “smaller”. Sin is sin regardless of how little or big we want to view it. I’m referencing the idea of how strong of a grip it has on your heart and mind. Every single day we wait to address it, that sin tightens its grip on our hearts – “by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron” 1 Tim 4:2. These are people who have been so deceived in their sins, that they are no longer ashamed of their sins. We can avoid all of this pain and misery if we will simply humble ourselves within this process of seeking forgiveness the exact moment that we recognize that we have sinned.
Secondly, we need to deal with our sins immediately because they will cause more damage. The problem with sinning is that we think that we can get away with it. I am reminded of “your sins will find you out” Numbers 32:23. This isn’t necessarily talking about your sins becoming known publicly. The idea here is that the consequences of your sins will eventually come. For the wages of sin is death… Romans 6:23. We need to quit toying with sin as if we can somehow tame it. No matter how safe you think you are with your sin, it still possesses the quality of death within it. There is nothing cute about sin. Nothing good can come from sin. Sin cannot make you alive – spiritually speaking.
There will eventually come a time when we must stand before God in judgment. The only way we can deal with our sin is by obeying the gospel. Any other means of trying to deal with our sins will result in us remaining dead in our sins. Do not wait any longer, deal with it today!
by Lee Elkins