
The Good News & Our Difficulties  

Navigating through this thing called “life” can be extremely difficult. I don’t believe it is necessary for us to shy away from that reality. I think at times, we try to mask the difficulties of Christianity and our lives in general, hoping that people will not be turned off by it. I believe when we do this, this is to the detriment of the Gospel. One of the most basic principles that must be understood is that we need the sacrifice of Jesus for atonement. In order to stand forgiven and to be made righteous by God, we must believe […]

Will The Lord Find Faith?  

A question is asked at the end of Luke 18:8, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Think about this question for a moment and consider what He is really talking about. For many, the idea of belief alone is enough to grant entrance into Heaven. I am convinced that thought is far too shallow for what is being talked about. While I am not one who would encourage anyone to attempt to add or take away from the scriptures – sometimes we can reword something when it is based upon the truth of […]

Obeying God  

When we say that we are to obey God in everything, the typical response given is “you are being legalistic!” Is it though? Think about it, is it wrong or sinful to attempt to obey God in everything that we do? Is it wrong to strive to keep all the teachings of Jesus? Is it sinful to strive to never sin? All these questions seem rather ridiculous to me. Why would we ever accuse someone of being sinful for wanting to do the right thing? I think the problem lies with us trying to attribute motives to others when there […]


Patience is often viewed as a virtue that many admire and hope to have in their lives, from afar. As the reality sets in as it nears our lives – when it begins to invade our plans, schedules, and comfort zone – discomfort sets in. Why does patience exist? If there were no disruptions, delays, or disappointments in our lives, would there be a need for patience? If it weren’t for those difficult circumstances, there would not be a need for patience. Naturally, it is understandable to see that certain circumstances will call for patience and it is those instances […]

Passing By  

The context begins with one of the most important questions we could ask. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? This context does away with the notion that we have a non-obedient, non-trusting faith. The answer to the question is “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Thus, if one does this, they will live. Then the second question comes to mind, “who is my neighbor?” It is easy to paint with a broad brush […]

Our Attitude Towards Truth  

Our attitude toward error will be determined by our attitude towards the truth. We either love and obey the truth or follow error. In many pulpits, statements like “If we have to err on one side or the other, err on the side of trusting in the power of Christ to deal with the problem of sin and welcome people.” is being said. Allow me to shed a little bit of light regarding what is meant by this statement. The idea that some preachers are trying to teach is this idea that it doesn’t matter what we do. It doesn’t […]